An excellent demo can be found by Paul Grilley or you can watch him and his wife do the routine without instruction
Here is the sequence:
Flying Dragons
Tadasana - swing right knee up
Step back and drop both hands down to inside of
left foot
Twisted lunge - swing left arm up and twist to left
Kick left foot back; place between hands;
windmill around to switch sides
Twisted lunge - left hand inside of right foot,
right arm up and twist to right.
Float right hand down to lunge,
Warrior I - bend elbows and lift chest
Torso to thighs and swing arms back and up
Warrior I - bend elbows and lift chest
Float both hands down to lunge
Kick right foot back, slide under left leg, slide
both feet out, drop hips to floor
Lift left arm and open belly and kick back with
same leg
Kick back right leg and bring up between hands to
Warrior III
Forward bend
Tadasana - repeat with swinging left knee up